2024: Part One

2024: Part One

August 1, 2024 Blogs 0


2024 has been an exciting year for us and we're only half way through.

Our Year (so far)

In April/May we hosted The Generalissimo is Dead, a game of negotiation and paranoia under a totalitarian regime. Then in June/July, we experimented with a mechanics-heavy game in Infinite Horizons. Strong player demand meant we ran these games twice each, and feedback from all four events has been great.

We've also, only a few days before writing this, sold out our first megagame in Canberra - a brand new run of The Generalissimo is Dead, acting as premiere to ACT Megagames release into the wild. Expect to hear more from them soon!


Our 2024 games to date were a success. Many first-time Megagamers engaged with enthusiasm and drama to create a memorable experience. Special Thanks go to showrunners Patrick (TGiD) and David (IH), as well as all the facilitators (almost two dozen of them in total) who helped run these events. Organising one of these events is a huge project and their efforts are greatly appreciated.

Between the two games we saw over 150 individual players and facilitators, and more than half were first-timers. The growth of our community in Sydney is constantly a source of awe and motivation, and we thank everyone who came along.

If you haven't seen it, we highly recommend Genji's excellent short film of the second run of The Generalissimo is Dead.

Pins and Loud(er) Voices

We also launched the SM Membership program, currently 23 members strong. Sydney Megagames is a non-profit organisation run by volunteers. Membership is a way to support us outside of specific ticketed events.

You can read more about membership here.

These last six months have also seen the launch of our first merchandise. Pins were popular, we hope to bring more themed pins to future events.

Ticket revenue from our events goes directly towards the event itself - hiring a location, ensuring our insurance is in order, printing, etc.

Revenue from Memberships and Pins allows us to purchase extras that help make all our games better. The microphones introduced in Infinite Horizons are thanks to SM Members, as are the projectors we've been trialing at the Harold Park venue. 

Committees and the Future

The SM Committee is busy planning events for the second half of 2024. We can promise at least one more game in the second half of November. We welcome our new President James Archer. You will be happy to know that the SM Founder Patrick Doyle is still an active member of the committee. You will see both of them at future events.

Thank you to everyone who joined us this year. We look forward to seeing you again. What games would you like to see in 2025?

Join the discussion on our Discord server, and hopefully we'll see you all very soon.

The SM Committee